Q1 HW#3 Sample Problems

Before Mon. Sept. 22 (Sect. A) or Tues. Sept. 23 (Sect. B and D), do the following things on this list:

(Please note this is separate from the "Stop the Asteroid" project we are working on in class.)
  1. Read about the kinematic equations of motion on the Physics Classroom site. Read the first two sections under 1-D Kinematics, Kinematics Equations. Here is the direct link: http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/1DKin/Lesson-6/Kinematic-Equations
  2. You can also view this video tutorial to help understand how to use the equations of motion.
  3.  Go to the last section of the Kinematic Equations section called "Sample Problems and Solutions". http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/1DKin/Lesson-6/Sample-Problems-and-Solutions
  4. Choose any 3 sample problems and write out the solution using your own steps. There are 20 problems so be sure to scroll down the page and try ones of varying difficulty. The answers are given as a guide, but try to do them on your own.
  5. In your solution please...
  • Write out or at least summarize the problem.
  • Draw a diagram showing the relevant objects and label important variables and quantities.
  • Make a list of given quantities using correct variables.
  • Make a list of unknown quantities using correct variables.
  • Write the relevant equation of motion.
  • Substitute correct numbers.
  • Solve the problem. Be sure it makes sense.
  • Put a box around the final answer.