Colliding Cars and Logger Pro

Mon. Sept. 8 and Tues. Sept. 9

Today in class we used our new knowledge about kinematics to predict the collision point between two constant motion vehicles. Using both mathematical and graphical solutions students tested their predictions with great results.

The homework due for next week involves learning how to use the Logger Pro software. This software is loaded most of the computers at school (computer lab, library, Physics Laptop Cart). As a NWS student you are authorized to have a copy of Logger Pro on a personal computer. Instructions and link for downloading Logger Pro (PC and Mac) on your own computer are on my Swift Teacher Page. (Password was given in class or you can email me or a classmate.)You are not required to have this software but if not, you will need to find time at school to work on various projects throughout the year.

Here is an introductory video (8 min) which will show you the basics of inputing data manually.You can use this link if you are unable to view the video here. After you are familiar with the software you can complete HW#2 which can be found on the Documents or Section tab above.