End of Quint Coming


Section A and C:  Written test on Monday April 8th
             Practical test on Wed. April 9

Section B:  Written test on Tuesday April 9
            Practical test...you already took it unless you were absent. Find a time to take it next week.

Written test will cover:
Simple circuits
Calculations with  V=IR, P=IV, I=Q/t, P=E/t
Understand the difference between current and voltage and resistance on a conceptual level
Difference between series and parallel circuits...be able to solve for all quantities

There are lots of documents on the documents tab that we have done this quint to look over. Also you can look at following sections on Kinetic Books:  29.0, 29.1, 29.3, 29.6-8, 29.10-12

Keep your heads in the game. The quint is almost over, but not yet!

Seattle Great Wheel from the ferry